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Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The authors who wish to contribute to the conference are solicited to submit their papers that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences addressing state-of-the-art research and development in all areas related to applied physics and computing. In particular, but not limited, the following topics are expected to be addressed by authors.

1. Applied Physics
Dielectrics, ferroelectrics, and multiferroics
Electrical discharges, plasmas, and plasma-surface interactions
Emerging, interdisciplinary, and other fields of applied physics
Magnetism, spintronics, and superconductivity
Organic-Inorganic systems, including organic electronics
Photonics, plasmonics, photovoltaics, lasers, optical materials, and phenomena
Physics of devices and sensors
Physics of materials, including electrical, thermal, mechanical and other properties
Physics of matter under extreme conditions
Physics of nanoscale and low-dimensional systems, including atomic and quantum phenomena
Physics of semiconductors
Soft matter, fluids, and biophysics
Thin films, interfaces, and surfaces
2. Computing
Cloud Computing, Fog Computing and Big Data
Business/Enterprise Architectures
Mobile Computing
Distributed Systems
Information Systems
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Artificial Intelligence
Decision Support Systems
Visualization and Computer Graphic
Image Processing, Information Retrieval
Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning
Numerical Modelling and Computations